Archive for December, 2011

College Education

It’s been quite some time since my last post, now that I realize the semester is quickly drawing to an end. The only thing I really wanna mention here is that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my classes this semester. And that is a very good thing because I have finally settled on majors/minors/a gazillion electives I don’t have enough time to take.

Academics doesn’t appeal to everybody. That’s inevitable. And I’m not best nor the brightest student in any of my classes, but that doesn’t make me love learning all the less. Some people like to whine about how their classes are so boring/their major is so boring/they don’t learn anything in school. I don’t know if the last phrase can ever be true (4 years of college and you really didn’t learn anything??), but most of the time I feel that it is up to YOU to decide what you want out of your education. Are you only going to take courses pre-approved by your parents? Are you going to take only courses your parents would not approve of just to spite them? Or can’t you just take a mixture of both and everything else in between?

Of course I am only talking about unis in the States. Education here is ridiculously ridiculously expensive, I know. But the value of it if you pick the right school FOR YOU is priceless. It’s not just about the Ivies and schools with good rankings. After studying here I really do believe in the concept of “the right fit”. You could be in an Ivy and hate it, you know? And you could be in some random state school, love it and still have a pretty decent education. With this immense amount of freedom, comes a lot of personal responsibility on one’s part.

Responsible for what… responsible to whom… what does it mean to be responsible to a person (be it yourself or somebody else)…