I suspect that I am going through an Acceptance phase

Reflecting on my time here in SG, I was probably just having a really long spell of culture shock. Shocking I know, to think that a Malaysian could have culture shock in Singapore, but I had underestimated how much I had changed since living in the States. Now it makes sense why I felt like everything that was different I hated. Everything that was not like NYC, I despised.

I am much more accustomed to things now, and I am also much more aware of cultural differences. Somewhere somehow, I stopped feeling like a zombie. Yet I do not exactly feel as alive as I had felt in the States. Where and what am I? Am I in limbo?

I just know that my destiny has to be closely tied to Asia is all. Wherever and however I end up, at least I can say it is, was and will be an adventure. Embrace destiny!



Only one day..

at a time, is possible for me.

It will almost be 2 years now since I moved from NYC to Singapore. My *updated* reflections/takeaways?

On my Post-NYC Bout of Depression:

  1. One goes through cycles of depression and contentness, and that is normal
  2. My quality of relationships here are abysmal relative to what I used to have, and that I am also coining normal for various reasons
  3. I do not crave going to artsy fartsy cultural and local events anymore because I have set such low standards that I do not see the point
  4. I cannot be the only one

On Self-Growth Despite the Depression:

  1. I have a new perspective now because of this forced growth
  2. I have a stronger direction career-wise because of the path I’ve taken
  3. I have come to realize that maybe this is just Life as an adult
  4. But then again, why should I accept a life I do not want? There is no reason to if I can help it.


[caged] animal

# include <my_humanity.h>

char animal = “I am” ;

// once wild and free; now anchored down.

while( I am here )


printf( “I feel caged”) ;







it pains me to write, that I could not achieve my goal of getting promoted in one year. I don’t think I was too lofty nor ambitious in setting that goal in the first place — I think I should have regardless of what the situation was. It has pushed me to try my best and be enthusiastic in my work (when I can), though it is somewhat disappointing that I couldn’t make it past the goalpost.

At this point though, I think my aims are now switching gears to thinking about grad school. Thus, I’m starting to think my actions and implications towards my applications as well as the skillsets I want to pick up for the second leg of my career (I don’t think switching jobs a few times means I have had a few careers — to me it is more an indication of time and experience). I see my time now more as exploratory than stable and dedicative.


raindrops are falling on my head..

.. so furiously

This time of the year marks two years since I knew I did not get selected for the H1-B lottery. I’m pretty much over that entire phase of my life by now. There are a lot of what-ifs, though no such thing of a real what-if in real life, especially when I like the work I’m doing now relative to before.

No more complaints about Singapore for now… I will leave here soon enough.

The crazy thing about me is that I had thought if and when I had a boyfriend, I would actually be a great partner to him. But the reality is that I fall so short it’s ironic.. and sadly, lack of my trying hard enough. I realize now it takes so much conscious effort for me to not criticize someone or thing, as I guess it’s been in my nature for so long.

Time will tell me… for all things.


I acknowledge I need to step up my game if I want to be seen as a more responsible senior. Some jobs are just so thankless…


At the same time you can only do it for so long before you say fuck it.

Coming to terms with this place

8 months into Singapore now. Few more months and it’ll be a year.

My verdict on this place is that it’s not my dream city, though I’ll make do for the next 2 years, especially since the money here does allow me to travel and pursue certain personal development goals like learning Spanish, tennis etc. On top of that, work is fairly interesting and I’m learning a lot which is great! Plus I have someone with me here now, so… it’s really not too bad.

The reason I wanted to blog today though, is because I just finished Brave New World, and realized in the final few chapters the uncanny similarities between Singapore and the Age of Ford. TBH there are a lot of things going on in the book that I probably need to reread, but here are some of my favorite/most striking and pertinent quotes:

…you can’t make tragedies without social instability. The world’s stable now. People are happy … They’re well off; they’re safe… they’re so conditioned that they practically can’t help behaving as they ought to behave.

On censorship and safety in Singapore (at all costs). These costs that I see are mostly subconscious social constraints, through brainwashing in school and the media. Of course every country has some brainwashing on its own citizens, but there’s just some semi-dangerous undercurrent running through this country’s veins that one has to see/observe to believe

But that’s the price you have to pay for stability. You’ve got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art … Actual happiness actually looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery. And, of course stability isn’t nearly so spectacular as instability … being contented has none of the glamour of the good fight against misfortune … Happiness is never grand. 

I guess what is being said, is that trials and tribulations in life are always a lot more “exciting” than the stable and purely happy, peaceful days. And in order to preserve that boring stability/happiness, all that is exciting needs to be purged from the people’s subconscious vocabulary such that instability just will not exist.

He can’t help himself; he’s fore-doomed. Even after decanting, he’s still inside a bottle — an invisible bottle of infantile and embryonic fixations.

That’s nature and nurture at play — us being squeezed by predetermination from both sides.

[Main character’s disapproval on humans going for Violent Passion Surrogate (VPS) once a month to flood the system with adrenaline without humans undergoing any of the emotional baggage]

John: But I like the inconveniences … But I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.

Mond: In fact, you’re claiming the right to be unhappy.

Amazing — because it’s so true. I guess I’ve lived with so much of reality and excitement for so long, that the duplicitous happiness in Brave New World/Singapore just isn’t enough for me. Basically, I want life — not just stability and/or “happiness”.






What does it mean to be consumed in the darkness? This blog has been around quite a while now, has it not? But not once have I explained the rationale behind its name. I basically took the Romantic idea that humans are made up of light particles from Star Trek Beyond, where humans are zapped and converted into energy and then reconverted into matter after during the process of transportation. And because light is so free and easy going looking, whereas we are trapped in our physical bodies and stunted by limitations, I feel like we are essentially one trapped chunk of light or energy particles, waiting to escape from our shackles and break free from earth. Hence the name… one trapped light.

The question is whether I let that trappedness define me or will the state of trappedness allow me to define who I am… I suppose. Free will or predetermination? Or both at the same time. Time’s a ticking and it’s time to choose to be strong, or be engulfed in the darkness, trapped forever…



Today I have officially completed my 2-star kayaking course woohoo!! TBH I has a little skeptical at first as to why I should need a cert from the Singapore Canoe Federation just to kayak in SG (and mind you, that cert is a SG-only requirement -_-). Like if other countries don’t make you pass a test to go around kayaking then why do you need one in SG?!

But I’m glad I did take the courses, because I do feel a lot more confident in the water with kayaking + diving experience now. Like I actually know how to control my movements better, paddle more efficiently and rescue a capsized kayaker if need be. And really, it’s brought me to see a different side of SG where locals come out to dragonboat and paddle in the Marina reservoir under the scorching heat. It was also my first introduction to the humongous National Stadium where one can do all sorts of sport activities there.

The funny thing is I don’t think I ever enjoyed doing sports as a kid, but now that I think back.. perhaps it was because my schools didn’t have the best facilities to expose me to different activities. E.g., I’m not a huge fan of badminton, volleyball, netball, or basketball. These were the only 4 sports that my schools had exposed me to and that’s just so sad. Because as I’m older now I realize that I do enjoy certain sports like water activities (kayaking/diving), racket sports (tennis, squash) etc. Even tennis for example, I took when I was 17 and always in a group setting, which gave me the chance to practice and play with others, but didn’t allow me to rectify my mistakes and play more efficiently. Basically, I lacked guidance in my playing of sports as my parents (just dad really) didn’t teach me very much beyond badminton.

Oh well.. at least I know what I’m interested in now.

life updates

It’s been.. maybe 7 months since I’ve moved to SG now. More settled and unsettled with things at the same time.

Got my goals set to go to grad school in 2 years. Got my CFA studies ahead of me. Got a lot to learn at work to keep me busy in the meantime.

TBH my brain is tired from working. That being said, it is excited that it gets to work “smartly” or efficiently all the time  (when I can) to achieve results at work. I’m learning a lot of technical knowledge from a certain manager, but at the same time and learning what it means to not be a good manager.

I’m sorry.. I thought I could type through this but I can not for the first time. Good night!