Archive for January, 2014


Every time I leave KL for NYC, I feel once more the death of my childhood. It’s as if the child inside me grows large and matures, and behind the figure of an adult, the shadow of my younger days still lingers; trailing hard behind…


Being true to yourself is the most important thing in life.


Maybe this is in regards to actions or thoughts, depending on the situation at hand.

Maybe it’s not just a cliche.

But maybe timing plays a part in this too.


Voluntary Slave

I’m disappointed to find that at the end of my expensive and tedious “education”, that it all boils down to finding a job and a career path. At the university, we all pretend that we want to get a good holistic education and learn for learning’s sake. But at the end of the day, the only worry on every student’s mind is “how am I going to pay back this loan?” or “how will I pay my bills in the future?” and nobody can blame us.

It’s not that I did not enjoy my education at the university, for I know that the often “impractical” knowledge I carry with me will fuel the dreams and aspirations of my entire lifetime. But I feel like a hypocrite to sell myself out to a corporation that does not share the same lofty and imaginative thoughts that drive me. Maybe my generation has been spoiled with promises of “following your dreams” and “pursuing your passions”, which in all odds is probably a bunch of hogwash sold to the masses to try and get them excited about life. Maybe I need time to purge myself of the idea of the noble and idealistic pursuit of “passions” and learn to be content with what I have, which is not bad at all.
Or perhaps, it’s that at the end of the day I am just too damn conscious of the chains of modernity that have been imposed on us all. To work, to produce, to spend, to consume. I am at this moment, a reluctant capitalist and I fear that one day I will love to learn my chains just as much as the next person.

How sad.

To have to apply to graduate. 

So that I can finish my degree and pursue my own capitalist dreams, as someone put it?

No. So that I can live my life as I have done for the last 4 years and pursue my own immigrant dreams. 


It’s a cost. It’s always a cost, to leave everything behind and chase a dream. Regrets are handed down to you with either path taken. You just can’t win, can you?