Archive for the ‘ anti-feelings ’ Category

Only one day..

at a time, is possible for me.

It will almost be 2 years now since I moved from NYC to Singapore. My *updated* reflections/takeaways?

On my Post-NYC Bout of Depression:

  1. One goes through cycles of depression and contentness, and that is normal
  2. My quality of relationships here are abysmal relative to what I used to have, and that I am also coining normal for various reasons
  3. I do not crave going to artsy fartsy cultural and local events anymore because I have set such low standards that I do not see the point
  4. I cannot be the only one

On Self-Growth Despite the Depression:

  1. I have a new perspective now because of this forced growth
  2. I have a stronger direction career-wise because of the path I’ve taken
  3. I have come to realize that maybe this is just Life as an adult
  4. But then again, why should I accept a life I do not want? There is no reason to if I can help it.



I opened the front door of my apartment building today and felt the calm chill greet me with a lackadaisical care of my existence. Was it the air that was rushing in to vent my space or was it the other way around — for I had felt at that moment that my simple, quiet intrusion had caused a ripple that truly meant nothing to the world around me. But I had to stand there and take it all in for a few seconds at least; as tribute, as homage, to our city and our fates intertwined. Door hinged midway like the symbolic opening and closing of a chapter in a book — same book nevertheless but definitely a neatly tied up ending that had run its course. The only thing propping that last sentimental page up was my questionably straight, solitary arm in the doorway of life — of the most deliberate few tributary seconds of my life. That delaying, that procrastinating, that solidifying of the moment was like instant gratification as I breathed in the velvet wintery New York City air on the morning of February 9th of 2015, when I was finally performing instead of speaking my acceptance and acknowledgment of my helplessness in this vast life of change. And stepping down those royal steps of life, one walks tall and hardened at the same time — cold yet warmed by the vicissitudes and circumstances we are born into, and one emerges a half-formed amphibian — perpetually walking on land and attempting to swim in the sweeping waters of life.

I did not remember the door closing behind me on that saturated Monday morning, but I know that it certainly did and I certainly let it without putting up any instance of a fight.

spontaneous fountainpen

I can’t help but see you as my phantom.

Because if you were truly real, then

Woe woe woe, woe betide me.

I would have accepted it and I perhaps always need it to



Being true to yourself is the most important thing in life.


Maybe this is in regards to actions or thoughts, depending on the situation at hand.

Maybe it’s not just a cliche.

But maybe timing plays a part in this too.


Mi piace?

Dear Apathycary

I always talk about how great NYC is. Because relative to KL it is. Maybe you’re bored of that. Maybe I am. Sometimes I feel ultimately this place just makes everyone jaded in the end.

The truth is I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I was living till I went away. But it’s not to do with what people back home would usually think. I didn’t grow because I had to live on my own or take care of myself etc physically. Physical matters of the earth mean nothing to me. And that is something that some people cannot grasp. I have to pretend a lot of times that physical things matter, so that I have something to ‘worry’ about, something to talk about, something to connect to people with.

I grew, am growing, because I have to take care of myself emotionally. Never in my life have I been faced with so many assholes at once, and to meet them over and over again all in different shapes and forms. It’s becoming quite a cycle I’ve run into since I’ve been here. I really don’t know what to make of it. Plus one for KL, because people back home aren’t as polite and decent, but in other ways they are nicer. Maybe the city just turns nice people into assholes. Maybe I’ve turned into one and I don’t even know it yet.

Whatever it is…. I’m so tired of feeling emotionally drained. Anger used to be my default reaction to pain, but now I realize I’m becoming more and more deadened to it all. Maybe total apathy is just the way to do it. Physically; Emotionally. Apathy.. take it all away….