Archive for July, 2015


Of all the time I have been in this city and I have been alive, this is probably the one where I feel I have had the most real personal growth. From graduating, to immigration problems and contemplations (Delaware!), to money matters, to work mofos and disappointments… they’ve all forced me to grow and reconsider who/what I am as well as what matters to me most. I suppose I’ve also become a lot more independent and confident because of all this. I also ironically, have probably never been so social in my entire life. Social in both quantity as well as quality. Interpersonal growth included.

In terms of my identity I have never quite felt so Americanized and yet so Malaysian at the same time. Perhaps it’s that when I am changing past who I was before, the parts of my old self that I deem important, I cling onto harder within me such that the vital components stay intact and consciously reinforced while the less important bits evolve and give way to new parts of me that have sprung from this American/NYC environment. It has taken me 5 long years, but I can truly say now that “America” is a part of me that doesn’t feel quite so unnatural anymore. Nature vs nurture….. Well both Malaysia and NYC have been nurture to me. Who I am at the core is nature. And the truth is I don’t think that when I go back to KL/SG, I will turn back into the person I was before I left. It’s literally impossible… I am a composite now.

A composite that will always evolve and take on new ideas and cultures and sayings, because well, this is what it means to be a global citizen? Not sure I want to be quite so pretentious and use that phrase. But I will say, that I am flexible, persistent, and open. And with all the health and luck in the world, I don’t think my life will be as gloomy or as boring as I deemed it would be as a teenager.

I have this city to thank for the education of a lifetime.

Recap of Readings

I haven’t done a recap in a while, but I think it’s important for me to do this every once and then to reinforce a sense of accomplishment in what I’ve learned and studied over a specific course of time. Positive reinforcement helps! Because, the thing I’ve quickly learned about leaving college is…. your education doesn’t stop there, and certainly was never supposed to begin nor end there. In other words, in the words of Mark Twain — “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” And education pertains to anything and everything in life.

Literary Fiction

  • Umberto Eco — The Name of the Rose: a post-modern murder mystery novel set in the 14th century; my first real post-modern read I suppose, so the hundreds of pages of commentary and meta were interesting but somewhat annoying at certain chapters
  • Gabriel García Márquez — One Hundred Years of Solitude: light read with beautiful renditions of solitude and memory and the repetition of life throughout generations of the same ancestry; reminds me a little of Wuthering Heights in that regard, though not as dark and broody
  • Azar Nafisi — Reading Lolita in Tehran: this one struck home a lot, talking about authoritarianism, so-called “revolution”, political vs private sphere, civil brainwashing, and just….. literature 🙂


The World



Cosmos (remake)

TEDTalk — Life Hacks

Inequality for All


  • CFA Level 1 — taken! and hoping for the best
  • Work during my current rotation: capital adequacy tests (for financial institutions), risks pertaining to insurance companies’ balance sheets, exposure to ratings, exposure to Holdco/Opco corporate structure, knowledge on dissecting a financial statement and linking to capital adequacy tests, and overall understanding of how insurance companies make/manage money
  • NYSF bootcamp is on my list….
  • and just overall personal studies in financial modeling and industry news

Book list: The Accidental Theorist, Utopia, Clash of Civilizations