Archive for January, 2012


Have been in Firenze for about a week now. Been a good week 🙂 Apart from checking out the obvious museums and history/scenic views the city has to offer tourists, have also been checking out night life in Firenze.

The most interesting experience so far is having aperitivi time, meaning you pay about 7-10 euros for any alcoholic beverage + buffet of food. Food could range from small finger food to pasta, meat and veggies. Awesome deal if you are on a tight budget but still want a night out with friends. Italians also have dinner really late. Their restaurants only open at 8pm sharp, so before that aperitivi are had with some light snacks. Or in a lot of peoples’ cases, it is apericena (apetitivo drink + dinner! =D )

Also had a chance to check out the Jersey Shore house, as well as the bar/club they went to on the show. Hahahaha! And I’m just getting used to getting around the city, the Duomo, and chasing the no. 25 bus from Piazza San Marco =)

A Italia

I’m kinda psyched to leave for Italy =D

It’s been a wonderful and expensive 1 1/2 years here in NYC. Time to get culture shocked all over again.


I never thought getting stood up would feel this way – Enlightened and content.

Dejavu all over again. Different person different situation, but same situation same person. 

I love the feeling of feeling

The concept of a past. To get over something. To forget something or someone.

To me the present is always intermingled with a huge hint of the past and a small glimmer of the future. I mean, for example when someone really dear to you were to be “buried” in the past. How is that… possible? I just think if something or someone was significant in your life, they will always have a sliver of significance in your present whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. There will always be certain situations you cannot help think back to them and feel their absence/presence once more. And then you realize memories are the most beautiful things you could ever have, because you can choose to alter them, distort them, push them back to recall at another time or create memories that never happened in reality.

Memories are like a diary of your life, a story book of collected treasures and torments. And to think my whole being and my whole concept of a self boils down to my thoughts. These thoughts that were never concrete in the first place. And the more I feel the more I put in. Because we’re all just adrenaline junkies. Looking for excitement and memories and people and places and…… then. we replay them to ourselves over and over again. Fiction and facts all rolled into one. I forgot who said this, but I recall someone telling me that we all need stories to survive. And I never understood that claim, because what about all the super logical and rational people who don’t need fiction in their lives and only need to “live in the present”. But there really isn’t a non-fiction in our lives is there?

And I cannot believe how asleep I had been before I started loving someone. It’s like… being unplugged from the freaking Matrix. Or just from peaceful slumber (because Love is not at all non-violent). How is it possible that this one single emotion awakened me to everything else in life? Even though it is unfathomable. How it is possible for love to feel like a melody brewing from your heart and flowing into your mind and your whole essence, that is a mystery. The biological working in our body when love strikes, you can analyze with science, but when one is put into the situation of being in love (that’s right, you are put there and you have no choice), what more is there really to do, but to perform faith? Either faith in the other, or yourself, or the very idea of Love existing.

Faith–complete trust that something exists even if there is no proof.

God, Love, Myself. All these things require faith to exist. The last one I have no complete trust in but nonetheless I try. Actually, God too. But someone once quoted to me that believing in God is such a Romantic notion. And yes, I guess so. For millions and millions in the world, who most claim to be logical and rational. All choosing to have faith in the idea of a higher being without true proof. We would be in denial to say we do.

And for Love… I would rather be blinded in full delusional rapture than choose to believe it does not exist.

growing Up

I hate it when people refer to teenagers as half-baked young adults who are not responsible and have “issues”. Looking back now, only a few weeks left before my 21st, I have just come to the realization of how much I have changed throughout those teenage years and how I troubled I was. Not to say I am not troubled now haha (who isn’t?), but I was a lot more unstable as a person then. Why? Because I was trying again and again to find myself. And I don’t think parents give their kids enough credit for that. Most of my friends have grown and changed over the years, some have surprisingly, not changed very much even since primary school. And I must say it’s the ones that had the most “issues” or trouble growing up, that grew up the most and “found” parts of themselves they wanted to find/found.

I just think that parents should learn to see their kids as people too, instead of labeling them as “trouble-makers” or “irresponsible”. Everyone causes trouble and is irresponsible at some/any point of their lives. But to label just reinforces it. And there’s a reason people act the way they do. That’s right, people, not kids or stupid teenagers who don’t know a thing about the world. Growing up, a little more respect would have been nice. A little more acknowledgment that I could think for myself, and did not like being labeled as whatever you thought I was, would have been healthier for me. You treat your adult friends as such, why not your child?

I’m just glad I’m not a teen anymore.