
It has been a while since my last musing in my new home. That is right, the fact that I can comfortably call it ( … Singapore) my home now implicates me in the most insulting manner of affairs. To be fair this is not a bad place to live — it is merely sterile and boring; insipid and uninspiring. It’s not bad for any world standards.

But let me tell you that past the three month mark is when things started to shift for me — when I began truly began breaking in the new pair of shoes, so to speak. Part of me is afraid I will lose that old NYC shine, but the latter part of me knows I will never because I will always be hungry after Delaware. I will spit on as many new shoes, and as many times as I can until I get my life bright enough and conducive…

What is interesting in my new life here is how I spend my money and organize myself socially. I find that I drink and eat out just as much as NYC because that’s what you do when you get a bit of money, though I tend to travel out a lot more. And maybe… it is a little disruptive to my new line of work, but I am still fine tuning that minor detail.

As to work itself, I find it a hundred times more interesting than my old job and personally challenging as the focus is not only on work quality, but relationship and people/politics management instead. I find myself thinking about how to position myself in the best light and in front of the best people instead of merely producing the best work. This is of course, wonderful training for me IMO though it has not come with some minor road bumps and slow signs. What I am still trying to figure out is where the cameras are or are not present; where can I make the illegal U-turns to make shortcuts and exit the highway faster than the others can, despite having to maintain genuinely friendly relations at the same time. It’s sorta like… racing with family. You all want the best for each other but you can’t help when there’s a little bit of sibling rivalry to become grandfather’s favorite.

Since things have stabilized I have also begun to pick up reading again. Thus far I’ve read Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima and One Man’s View of the World by Lee Kuan Yew. Since I am in a business learning environment and am learning about politics and economics in the region, LKY’s book has been a great read thus far, though I have just only come to realize how informative and engaging biographies can be as opposed to dry non-fiction books that describe events instead. Have picked up a copy of Krugman’s ‘The Accidental Theorist’ as well as Hillary Rodham’s biography ‘Living History’ to read in the coming months.

I want to be grateful for the opportunities that have been presented to me thus far, despite the new obstacles that forcing me to be patient and grow.





drinks loosely arranged

on wooden polished decor

hunched backs occassional clinking

the sound of sultry melody

smokeless room and sinless drinking

we are all glad we came for each other;

i pull the clean check from under the magnet clip,

steal away into my Uber.


i’m afraid that i’m in love with America

I remember my lonely, restless vague sense of a self walking around NYC thinking I was going to magic happen at 19. Which is crazy because when I open my eyes now there’s cognitive dissonance — because I feel 19 again but my 25-yo body is right here. A floating self.. that’s as close to a real life Korean drama that I’m going to get.

I digress but, but what? I love USA? I’m going to go back one day?

Why is life so goddamn uncertain. Doing the easy is so easy, and the hard is so hard. Or do I just like doing all the hard stuff to make myself suffer I wonder? hahaha

or do I really just care that it’s interesting? I think that’s been a pretty good thesis for my life thus far actually. I like that better than being possibly masochistic. Because I am positively SM (depending) and have no other options as far as life theses go. 😉



he always gives me a lot to think about

how do you know when someone is “the one”?

or more specifically — when do you DECIDE that person is “the one”?

Because I think I’ve finally realized and experienced that “the one” might not be the person you have the strongest attraction to, but is the person who hits the “acceptable” mark on that subconscious list you have as well as is the person you most enjoy being with on a day-to-day basis.


So that darnest decision then.. how does one make it? And is it a conscious or subconscious decision really?


Murky Waters

Today I swam under the water with all fears unleashed because I had no goggles on. Because I had forgotten them under my haste to beat the thundering prelude to the pouring rain.

It was now or never, go swimming or go home because time was of the essence.

So I plunged into ambiguity and the unknown of my capabilities to try and overcome; once I did towards the ten, I felt the Zen creep in.

And what that essentially told me today, is that I am capable of a lot more.. than what I give myself credit for. And that my “nos” are just reiterations of “I am afraid to” than anything else at all.

So, what am I afraid of?

Am I afraid of being too honest with myself out loud? Why does the delivery of words mean a lot more when performed out than when just thought out silently?

I need to admit my weaknesses a lot more confidently so I can move past them and improve myself. That is my big takeaway from my case prep session with the BCG guy today.


calm down

I have adrenal fatigue. And I highly suspect it’s because of the combination of bad luck and high expectations last year of not getting the visa lottery, hating Delaware, disliking my job and general hopelessness of the future. The consequence of that is I get tired more more easily and faster; I also get so drained when I get angry. Basically anything that raises my adrenaline/stress (cortisol?) levels past what they already are (high) is not good unless there’s good stuff there as well. The unintended side effect of that, is that I have had to learn patience and destressing techniques, which are good skills to have in your lifetime anyways.

The Zen… I need the Zen in my life. Hence why I blog/journal really, and swim in the morning. The semi-meditative activities help me recenter myself…

What’s funny is that initially intended to write this post in a more descriptive manner of my daily life. But now that I’m actually writing it I realize at the end of the day what is important is my Zen. All the rest just fades away, and those few grains of wisdom left in my palm are all I need to lead a content and happy life really.


Truly Living

This is kind of crazy to say.. But I think my entire existence of life has really just been an entire lesson on how to live a good life. When I say good I suppose for me it should be happy, slightly content yet discontenting (a challenge), as well as authentic.

There have been moments and people in my life that have really jolted me awake from my auto pilot slumber and depression. There have been periods with new and exciting people that have challenged how I think about life and ideas. And there has been Delaware.

I do not quite know the full extent of how Delaware has jolted me. But possibly maybe, it could have been the best thing to happen to me so far. Because I have never quite been so content to live in the present as now. That one steep fall to death really preceded a new me. An initially angrier and more desperate me that eventually grew to be more patient yet maintaining that hungry desperation, now I understand means a hardier and wiser version of me.

What it really means to be living…. People truly truly matter. Lives truly truly matter. And I suppose the strangest thing to come out of my mouth these 25 years now.. That I truly matter to me.

but I’m heartbroken today

I haven’t been truly heartbroken in a long time I would say. Previous minor crushed crushes don’t count, because hardly many ever truly count towards your count. In my life that is.

“as circumstances developed, I can’t see a future in having anything more..”

brilliant words, because without the claim of anything concrete, it leaves you open to imagine the worst possibilities — new person? lost feelings? too busy? all in that order. But we all know, that ultimately “busy” is not a real excuse, so really it is just the former or the latter. Either one is tearing to me, and I don’t know why I can’t seem to find a single person wanting to have a drink tonight at all. Scratch that, my cousin and friends want to go to Zouk. I’m not quite sure that I want to go but I do feel like going out for some drinks.

We shall see…..

Steel yourself dear heart, for only the ones who dare love, deserve love themselves.


Day 1

  • Started my day at 4.30am at Jersey City, took the PATH then a taxi to JFK Airport
  • Arrived at City Hostel in downtown Seattle at about 10am. Checked in and headed straight to Pike Place Market for some views and chow. Had lunch at Lowell’s — fish and chips.
  • Miner’s Landing and the Olympic Sculpture Garden (looks just like a mini Stormking!)
  • Chihuly Garden and Glass was really the highlight of my day (and trip even)

Day 2

  • Crumpets for breakfast followed by visit to Seattle Art Museum
  • Underground Tour of the 1st floor of Seattle lost in the 1899 fire
  • Chinatown/International District for dinner

Day 3

  • Bagel and lox for breakfast
  • Museum of flight — highlights were the Boeing VC-173 (“Air Force One”) as well as the last commercially flown Concorde in the museum’s air park.
  • View of Seattle from Kerry Park (very pretty but I have no pics here yet)

Verdict: I must be getting very old because my descriptions are so boring/non-existent. Maybe it’s also that I have no pictures. Foodwise there was nothing spectacular that I had, so not going to mention much there. Good food just isn’t good enough these days… Time to rest my tired feet and body.

it’s just goodbye.

“You get a strange feeling when you’re about to leave a place, I told him, like you’ll not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way ever again.” Reading Lolita in Tehran, Azar Nafisi

P1: This is just goodbye for now. Don’t worry, we will see each other again.

P2: I won’t say that this is not goodbye, because that is simply not true.

P1: Don’t be so harsh now.. you don’t always have to put things in such blunt terms. It’s such a beautiful full moon tonight that it’d be a shame to ruin it.

P2: Goodbye means I may or may not see you again, but if we do then it will be in a different setting and with us as very different people. So for the two of us standing here crying and hugging each other goodbye, this is goodbye for good, because this scene will never repeat and play back again; you will never be the same quotidianly familiar person to me going forward and I will never be 24 and this idealistic again. Let’s not kid ourselves.

P1: Well, if you put it that way…

P2: I’m not putting it any way except the way it actually is. I don’t like bending the truth and blurring the lines. I like things to be given to me straight and true.

P1: To be or not to be, that is the question.

P2: Be what? That is the question.

P1: Be mad with you. After all, you are ruining our last night here together by being so sulky and pessimistic.

P2: I am not being sulky; I am just being realistic. I mean, how did you expect our last night here to be like? There sure isn’t any more romance left in these parts, because reality is coming right after us at the stroke of twelve. Like Cinderella, our fluffy dreams of carriages will turn into pumpkins and leave us to clean up the the entire patch of mess.

P1: Well at least we can clean it up together!

P2: No, that is not possible. We must go our separate ways after twelve.

P1: Must we? I really don’t want to.

P2: It’s not a choice for us to want or not. Life has tapped us on our shoulders and turned our heels upon different paths now. Our time together e’ finito! Tutti morti..   Tutti frutti..

P1: I see how it is.. you just don’t want me here anymore! Don’t blame it on stupid pumpkin patches and life personified. We are the only persons standing here trying or not trying to work things out. We are the masters of our time!

P2: [quietly] And time is up..

P2: Silly silly… silly. You still don’t get it but you will soon enough.

P1: Don’t patronize me. I am not silly; I am just not a coward.

P2: MoooOOOoooOOOoooo…!!!

P1: Stop it. No use crying over split milk. I’m just feeling so sour and rotten now that I just want to go home. Tell the coward I said goodbye forever. I am udderly mad.


P1: What am I waiting for? God? oh! No.. spare me the waiting. Inaction will kill me tick by tick.

P2: I just thought you would like to have this..

P1: What is it? A USB stick? It’s cute… and of utility, so thank you?

P2: Promise me you will never forget me.

P1: Promise me you will never forget you.