
What does it mean to be consumed in the darkness? This blog has been around quite a while now, has it not? But not once have I explained the rationale behind its name. I basically took the Romantic idea that humans are made up of light particles from Star Trek Beyond, where humans are zapped and converted into energy and then reconverted into matter after during the process of transportation. And because light is so free and easy going looking, whereas we are trapped in our physical bodies and stunted by limitations, I feel like we are essentially one trapped chunk of light or energy particles, waiting to escape from our shackles and break free from earth. Hence the name… one trapped light.

The question is whether I let that trappedness define me or will the state of trappedness allow me to define who I am… I suppose. Free will or predetermination? Or both at the same time. Time’s a ticking and it’s time to choose to be strong, or be engulfed in the darkness, trapped forever…


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