I suspect that I am going through an Acceptance phase

Reflecting on my time here in SG, I was probably just having a really long spell of culture shock. Shocking I know, to think that a Malaysian could have culture shock in Singapore, but I had underestimated how much I had changed since living in the States. Now it makes sense why I felt like everything that was different I hated. Everything that was not like NYC, I despised.

I am much more accustomed to things now, and I am also much more aware of cultural differences. Somewhere somehow, I stopped feeling like a zombie. Yet I do not exactly feel as alive as I had felt in the States. Where and what am I? Am I in limbo?

I just know that my destiny has to be closely tied to Asia is all. Wherever and however I end up, at least I can say it is, was and will be an adventure. Embrace destiny!



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